Carver's Legacy

the Carver's Legacy MURAL WAS FINALLY INSTALLED. THANK YOU TO ALL WHO HELPED MAKE IT POSSIBLE.I was contacted by Carver High School and asked to come up with a concept for a mural to take place on the side of one of their six  current temporary buildings.  The plan was then to cut the mural off when they moved to the new campus next year. Those plans were then scrapped because  of the whole building cutting  scenario.Then i came up with a concept. I would create a series of small murals that could exist on all six of the current buildings and be easily moved and remounted at the new campus. Each of the small murals would be a different shape and contain a portrait of a different African American civil rights figure and one of the schools six values.

I chose to build each mural our of plywood, and fasten them with hinges so that i could fold them up for easier transport

While talking with the architects building the new campus i became concerned that the wood would begin to warm due to weathering before it was moved to the new building.  so graphic renderings of each mural were printed and placed on the buildings as place holders and the actual paintings are being stored until the new school is opened.

i unveiled Carver's Legacy at

Pass It On

last month at the Joan Mitchell Center on Bayou Road.


new space


New Frontiers